Adventure X 2019
AdventureX 2019

Photo: Conference banner
This weekend is AdventureX 2019 at the British Library. It is a game development conference focused on narrative driven games like old adventure games from Sierra On-Line and LucasArts. Those have always been my favorite games ever and I didn’t realize people were still making games like those today. I knew and played some telltale games, the cave, and others which have reached my bubble but I couldn’t imagine the awesome games I’ve seen this weekend.
The conference has been great so far, not at all focused on coding but more on design, post-mortens, experiences and advise. I really like what I’ve been seeing. Also seeing a vibrant creative community with small studios that are sustainable makes quite an impression. There are about 15 to 20 games here on the demo area, some of which already entered my wishlist.
Among my favorites are:
The Crimson Diamond which has a strong Sierra On-Line vibe.

screenshot: The Crimson Diamond
30 Birds which is a quite stunning 2D-ish (also 3D) evocative game with Persian mythology undertones in a futuristic dreamy world. You need to see it to understand my fascination with it.

screenshot: 30 birds
Inspector Waffles a pixel-art murder mystery with a strong film noir vibe. You know, curiosity killed the cat. rsrsrs

Screenshot: Inspector Waffles
The venue of the knowledge building at the British Library is great, it has a full bar just like its members room and the same friendly staff. It was good to find familiar faces, I really like them. The theater where the talks happen is small but fit for a niche conference like this.

photo: theater
From yesterday, I really enjoyed the talk about writing a third-wave gay character by Ed Fear, it had a ton of insights about representation, being true to yourself and your people, and the speaker was great

photo: nice slide from that talk
All the talks are online now, gamedev and adventure people should check them out. As for how I am today? I’m drinking a over-milked latte I made at home and carried here in my perfect Kinto Travel Tumblr. I’m rocking a #TeamSega set:

photo: me